
592 lines
20 KiB

export script_name = "Merge Scripts"
export script_description = "Experimental automation for QC merging/exporting"
export script_version = "0.0.12"
export script_author = "Myaamori"
export script_namespace = "myaa.MergeScripts"
DependencyControl = require 'l0.DependencyControl'
depctrl = DependencyControl {
{"", version: "1.6.0", url: "",
feed: ""}
{"myaa.ASSParser", version: "0.0.4", url: "",
feed: ""}
{"l0.Functional", version: "0.6.0", url: "",
feed: ""}
json, pl, parser, F = depctrl\requireModules!
{:path, :stringx} = pl
get_data = (line)->
line.extra and line.extra[script_namespace] and json.decode line.extra[script_namespace]
process_imports = (subtitles, selected_lines)->
selected_lines = selected_lines or [i for i, sub in ipairs subtitles]
script_path = aegisub.decode_path("?script")
-- keep track of prefixes already used for namespaces to avoid duplicates
used_prefixes = {}
for line in *subtitles
data = get_data line
if data
used_prefixes[data.prefix] = true
imports = {}
prefix = 0
for i in *selected_lines
line = subtitles[i]
-- find import definitions among selected lines
if (line.effect != "import" and line.effect != "import-shifted") or
(line.extra and line.extra[script_namespace])
prefix += 1
while used_prefixes[prefix]
prefix += 1
-- parse file to import
file_path = path.join script_path, line.text
file = file_path
if not file
aegisub.log 0, "FATAL: Could not find #{file_path}\n"
return nil
assfile = parser.parse_file file
-- bookkeeping (needed for export etc)
import_metadata = {prefix: prefix, file: file_path, extrakeys: assfile.extradata_mapping}
-- increment layer if specified
for event_line in *
event_line.layer += line.layer
if line.effect == "import-shifted"
-- find sync line in external file and shift lines to match the import line
sync_line = F.list.find, (x)-> x.effect == "sync"
if not sync_line
aegisub.log 0, "FATAL: Couldn't find sync line in #{file_path}\n"
return nil
import_metadata.sync_line = sync_line.start_time
start_diff = sync_line.start_time - line.start_time
for event_line in *
event_line.start_time -= start_diff
event_line.end_time -= start_diff
table.insert imports, {:prefix, import_line: i, :assfile, :import_metadata,
file_name: line.text}
return imports
find_conflicting_script_info = (subtitles, imports)->
check_fields = {"PlayResY", "PlayResX", "YCbCr Matrix", "WrapStyle"}
seen_values = {field, {} for field in *check_fields}
-- collate script properties from all imported files
for imp in *imports
for field, value in pairs imp.assfile.script_info_mapping
if not seen_values[field]
seen_values[field][value] = seen_values[field][value] or {}
table.insert seen_values[field][value], imp.file_name
current_script_info = {}
for i, line in ipairs subtitles
if line.class == "info"
current_script_info[line.key] = {index: i, line: line}
dialogue_fields = {
{x: 0, y: 0, height: 1, width: 20, class: "label", label: "Conflicting values found:"}
conflicting_fields = {}
-- use values from current script as default values
confirmed_fields = {field, current_script_info[field].line.value for field in *check_fields}
i = 1
for field in *check_fields
values = [key for key, _ in pairs seen_values[field]]
if #values > 1
table.insert conflicting_fields, field
hint = {}
for field_value in *values
for filename in *seen_values[field][field_value]
table.insert hint, "#{filename}: #{field_value}"
hint = table.concat hint, "\n"
table.insert dialogue_fields, {
class: "label", label: field, x: 0, y: i, height: 1, width: 10
table.insert dialogue_fields, {
class: "dropdown", items: values, value: values[1],
x: 10, y: i, height: 1, width: 10, hint: hint, name: field
i += 1
elseif #values == 1
confirmed_fields[field] = values[1]
-- else: no values found in external scripts, keep current value
if #conflicting_fields > 0
button, result = aegisub.dialog.display dialogue_fields
if not button
return false
for field in *conflicting_fields
confirmed_fields[field] = result[field]
for field, field_value in pairs confirmed_fields
{:index, :line} = current_script_info[field]
line.value = field_value
subtitles[index] = line
return true
add_imports = (subtitles, imports)->
_, first_dialogue = F.list.find subtitles, (x)-> x.class == "dialogue"
-- keep track of how many lines have been added to ensure they're
-- inserted in the right place
offset = 0
style_offset = 0
-- insert external lines
for imp in *imports
-- add extra data
import_line_pos = imp.import_line + offset
import_line = subtitles[import_line_pos]
import_line.extra[script_namespace] = json.encode imp.import_metadata
subtitles[import_line_pos] = import_line
for style in *imp.assfile.styles = "#{imp.prefix}$" ..
-- insert style before the first dialogue line
subtitles.insert first_dialogue + style_offset, style
offset += 1
style_offset += 1
for event in * = "#{imp.prefix}$" ..
-- insert line below the imp definition
subtitles.insert imp.import_line + offset + 1, event
offset += 1
merge = (subtitles, selected_lines)->
imports = process_imports subtitles, selected_lines
if not imports
return false
-- don't set script info if no imports found
if #imports == 0
return true
if not find_conflicting_script_info subtitles, imports
return false
add_imports subtitles, imports
return true
clear_merged = (subtitles, selected_lines)->
prefixes_to_clear = {}
selected_lines = selected_lines or [i for i, line in ipairs subtitles]
-- determine what files to remove based on selection
for i in *selected_lines
line = subtitles[i]
if line.class != "dialogue"
data = get_data line
if data
prefixes_to_clear[data.prefix] = true
{prefix, style} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1
if style and tonumber(prefix) != nil
prefixes_to_clear[tonumber prefix] = true
-- delete lines corresponding to the namespaces to remove
lines_to_delete = {}
for i, line in ipairs subtitles
if line.class == "style"
{prefix, style} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1
prefix = tonumber prefix
if style and prefix != nil and prefixes_to_clear[prefix]
table.insert lines_to_delete, i
elseif line.class == "dialogue"
-- clear extradata on import lines but don't remove them
data = get_data line
if data and prefixes_to_clear[data.prefix]
line.extra[script_namespace] = nil
subtitles[i] = line
{prefix, style} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1
prefix = tonumber prefix
if style and prefix != nil and prefixes_to_clear[prefix]
table.insert lines_to_delete, i
subtitles.delete lines_to_delete
find_import_definitions = (subtitles, predicate=->true)->
import_lines = {}
for i, line in ipairs subtitles
if line.class == "dialogue" and
(line.effect == "import" or line.effect == "import-shifted") and
predicate line
table.insert import_lines, i
return import_lines
import_gui = (subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)->
dialog = {
class: "label", x: 0, y: 0
label: "Select files to import. Files not selected will be unimported if already imported."
y = 1
for i in *find_import_definitions subtitles
line = subtitles[i]
data = get_data line
table.insert dialog, {
class: "checkbox", x: 0, y: y
value: data != nil, label: line.text
name: tostring(i)
y += 1
button, result = aegisub.dialog.display dialog
if not button
to_import = [tonumber i for i, val in pairs result when val]
table.sort to_import
-- add temporary extradata to imports to remove
-- to make it easier to find the lines again post merge
for i, val in pairs result
if not val
j = tonumber i
line = subtitles[j]
line.extra._TMP_MERGESCRIPTS = ""
subtitles[j] = line
merge_success = merge subtitles, to_import
-- remove temporary extradata regardless of whether merge succeeded
to_remove = find_import_definitions subtitles, (line)->line.extra._TMP_MERGESCRIPTS != nil
for i in *to_remove
line = subtitles[i]
line.extra._TMP_MERGESCRIPTS = nil
subtitles[i] = line
if not merge_success
clear_merged subtitles, to_remove
prompt = (text)->
aegisub.dialog.display({{class: "textbox", text: text, height: 20, width: 40}})
_count_unique = (l)->
counter = 0
unique_vals = {}
for i in *l
if not unique_vals[i]
unique_vals[i] = true
counter += 1
return counter
generate_release = (subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)->
-- collect lines per class
lines = {info: {}, style: {}, dialogue: {}}
files = {}
for line in *subtitles
-- find the source files for each namespace for error reporting
data = get_data line
if data
files[data.prefix] = line.text
-- don't include comments or empty lines
if line.class == "dialogue" and (line.comment or #line.text == 0)
if lines[line.class]
table.insert lines[line.class], line
-- find what styles are actually used by dialogue lines
used_styles = {, true for line in *lines.dialogue}
-- remove namespace from styles and detect clashing styles
filtered_styles = {}
added_styles = {}
clashing_styles = false
for style in *
if not used_styles[]
{prefix, orig_name} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1
if orig_name
style.source_file = files[tonumber prefix] = orig_name
style.source_file = "[current file]"
added_styles[] = added_styles[] or {}
table.insert added_styles[], style
if #added_styles[] >= 2 and
parser.line_to_raw(added_styles[][1]) != parser.line_to_raw(style)
clashing_styles = true
table.insert filtered_styles, style = filtered_styles
-- remove namespace from dialogue lines
for event in *lines.dialogue
{file, orig_style} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1
if orig_style = orig_style
if clashing_styles
text = "Found clashing styles:\n\n"
for style_name, styles in pairs added_styles
if _count_unique([parser.line_to_raw style for style in *styles]) < 2
first_style = parser.line_to_raw styles[1]
text ..= "Styles with the name '#{style_name}' appear in multiple files " ..
"with different definitions:\n"
for style in *styles
text ..= "- " .. style.source_file
text ..= " (clashes; ignored)" if parser.line_to_raw(style) != first_style
text ..= "\n"
text ..= "\n"
text ..= "Continue?"
if not prompt text
script_path = aegisub.decode_path("?script") .. "/"
script_path = "" if script_path == "?script/"
out_file_name = "Save release candidate", "", script_path, "*.ass"
if not out_file_name
file, error =, 'w')
if not file
aegisub.log 0, "FATAL: Could not open #{out_file_name} for writing: #{error}\n"
parser.generate_file, nil,, lines.dialogue, nil, (line) ->
file\write line
get_imported_lines = (subtitles)->
imports = {}
lines = {}
-- find lines to export
for line in *subtitles
if line.class == "style" or line.class == "dialogue"
local prefix, style
if line.class == "style"
{prefix, style} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1 = style
elseif line.class == "dialogue"
data = get_data line
if data
table.insert imports, line
{prefix, style} = F.string.split, "$", 1, true, 1 = style
-- current line should not be exported
if not style
prefix = tonumber prefix
lines[prefix] = lines[prefix] or {style: {}, dialogue: {}}
table.insert lines[prefix][line.class], line
return imports, lines
export_changes = (subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)->
imports, lines = get_imported_lines subtitles
script_path = aegisub.decode_path "?script"
outputs = {}
-- find import definition lines and construct the corresponding output files
for imp in *imports
data = get_data imp
if not data
file = data.file
if not file
aegisub.log 1, "ERROR: Could not find #{data.file}, will not export this file.\n"
header_text = {}
-- keep all lines before the styles section as is
for row in file\lines!
row = F.string.trim row
if row == "[V4+ Styles]"
table.insert header_text, "#{row}\n"
imported_lines = lines[data.prefix] or {style: {}, dialogue: {}}
-- decrement layers back to original layer
for line in *imported_lines.dialogue
line.layer = math.max(line.layer - imp.layer, 0)
-- shift back timings for import-shifted lines
if data.sync_line
sync_diff = imp.start_time - data.sync_line
for line in *imported_lines.dialogue
line.start_time = math.max(line.start_time - sync_diff, 0)
line.end_time = math.max(line.end_time - sync_diff, 0)
outputs[data.file] = {header: table.concat(header_text), lines: imported_lines, extra: data.extrakeys}
text = "Do you really wish to overwrite the below files?\n\n"
text ..= table.concat [fname for fname, output in pairs outputs], "\n"
if not prompt text
-- write to files
for fname, output in pairs outputs
file = fname, 'w'
file\write output.header
parser.generate_file nil, nil,,
output.lines.dialogue, output.extra, (line) ->
file\write line
script_is_saved = (subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)->
aegisub.decode_path("?script") != "?script"
relpath = (f, script_path)->
rpath = path.relpath f, script_path
if not path.is_windows
return rpath
-- recover original capitalization by replacing the end of
-- the case normalized path with the corresponding part from the
-- original f
f = path.normpath f
local k
k = 0
for i=1,math.min(#f, #rpath)
ri = #rpath - i + 1
fi = #f - i + 1
if rpath\sub(ri, ri) != f\sub(fi, fi)\lower!
k = i
rpath = (rpath\sub 1, #rpath - k) .. (f\sub #f - k + 1, #f)
return rpath\gsub '\\', '/'
include_file = (subtitles, effect)->
script_path = aegisub.decode_path("?script") .. "/"
file_names = "Choose file to include", "", script_path, "*.ass", true
if file_names
for f in *file_names
line = parser.create_dialogue_line
effect: effect, text: relpath(f, script_path), comment: true
if effect == "import-shifted"
vidpos = aegisub.ms_from_frame aegisub.project_properties!.video_position
line.start_time = vidpos
line.end_time = vidpos
subtitles.append line
add_sync_line = (subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)->
vidpos = aegisub.ms_from_frame aegisub.project_properties!.video_position
line = parser.create_dialogue_line
effect: "sync", comment: true,
start_time: vidpos, end_time: vidpos
subtitles.insert active_line, line
return {active_line}, active_line
depctrl\registerMacros {
"Add file to include",
"Adds an import definition signifying an external file to be imported",
(subtitles) -> include_file(subtitles, "import"),
"Add file to include (shifted)",
"Adds an import definition signifying an external file to be imported and shifted based on the synchronization line",
(subtitles) -> include_file(subtitles, "import-shifted"),
"Add synchronization line for shifted imports",
"Adds a synchronization line at the current video time, for use with shifted imports",
"Import all external files",
"Import lines from external files corresponding to all import definitions in this file",
(subtitles, selected_lines) -> merge(subtitles, nil),
"Import selected external file(s)",
"Import lines from external files corresponding to the selected import definitions",
(subtitles, selected_lines) -> merge(subtitles, selected_lines),
"Remove all external files",
"Remove all lines in the file that were imported from external files",
(subtitles, selected_lines) -> clear_merged(subtitles, nil)
"Remove selected external file(s)",
"Remove the lines in the file that were imported from external files corresponding to the selected lines",
(subtitles, selected_lines) -> clear_merged(subtitles, selected_lines)
"Select files to import or unimport",
"GUI interface for quick importing and unimporting of files",
"Generate release candidate",
"Removes comments and style namespaces",
"Export changes",
"Export changes to imported lines to source files",