
143 lines
4.9 KiB

local json, log
version = '1.1.4'
haveDepCtrl, DependencyControl = pcall require, 'l0.DependencyControl'
if haveDepCtrl
version = DependencyControl {
name: 'ConfigHandler',
description: 'A class for mapping dialogs to persistent configuration.',
author: 'torque',
url: ''
moduleName: 'a-mo.ConfigHandler'
feed: ''
{ 'json' }
{ 'a-mo.Log', version: '1.0.0' }
json, log = version\requireModules!
json = require 'json'
log = require 'a-mo.Log'
class ConfigHandler
@version: version
-- The minimum required format for `optionTables` is
-- { section: { optionname: { value: optionvalue, config: (true|false) } } }
-- the config key exists because this is designed to be embedded in dialog
-- tables. Some dialog elements may not be intended to be saved to a
-- config file, or are labels that do not return a value.
-- Constructor
new: ( @optionTables, fileName, hasSections, @version = "0.0.1", filePath = "?user" ) =>
@fileName = aegisub.decode_path "#{filePath}/#{fileName}"
@fileHandle = nil
loadDefault @
-- Private methods (I probably shouldn't have bothered to do this!)
loadDefault = =>
@configuration = { }
for sectionName, configEntries in pairs @optionTables
@configuration[sectionName] = { }
for optionName, configEntry in pairs configEntries
if != optionName and configEntry.class != "label" = optionName
if configEntry.config
@configuration[sectionName][optionName] = configEntry.value
parse = =>
rawConfigText = @fileHandle\read '*a'
-- Avoid clobbering the things loaded by loadDefault. I need to
-- decide how I want to handle version changes between a script's
-- built-in defaults and the serialized configuration on disk. This
-- is currently biased towards a script's built-in defaults.
parsedConfig = json.decode rawConfigText
if parsedConfig
for sectionName, configEntries in pairs parsedConfig
if configSection = @configuration[sectionName]
for optionName, optionValue in pairs configEntries
if configSection[optionName] != nil
configSection[optionName] = optionValue
doInterfaceUpdate = ( interfaceSection, sectionName ) =>
for tableKey, tableValue in pairs interfaceSection
if tableValue.config and @configuration[sectionName][tableKey] != nil
tableValue.value = @configuration[sectionName][tableKey]
doConfigUpdate = ( newValues, sectionName ) =>
-- have to loop across @configuration because not all of the
-- fields in the result table are going to be serialized, and it
-- contains no information about which ones should be and which
-- ones should not be.
for configKey, configValue in pairs @configuration[sectionName]
if newValues[configKey] != nil
@configuration[sectionName][configKey] = newValues[configKey]
-- Public methods
read: =>
if @fileHandle = @fileName, 'r'
parse @
return true
log.debug "Configuration file \"#{@fileName}\" can't be read. Writing defaults."
return false
-- todo: find keys missing from either @conf or interface, and warn
-- (maybe error?) about mismatching config versions.
updateInterface: ( sectionNames ) =>
if sectionNames
if "table" == type sectionNames
for sectionName in *sectionNames
if @configuration[sectionName]
doInterfaceUpdate @, @optionTables[sectionName], sectionName
log.debug "Cannot update section %s, as it doesn't exist.", sectionName
if @configuration[sectionNames]
doInterfaceUpdate @, @optionTables[sectionNames], sectionNames
log.debug "Cannot update section %s, as it doesn't exist.", sectionNames
for sectionName, section in pairs @optionTables
if @configuration[sectionName] != nil
doInterfaceUpdate @, section, sectionName
-- maybe updateConfigurationFromDialog (but then we're getting into
-- obj-c identifier verbosity territory, and I'd rather not go there)
updateConfiguration: ( resultTable, sectionNames ) =>
-- do nothing if sectionNames isn't defined.
if sectionNames
if "table" == type sectionNames
for section in *sectionNames
doConfigUpdate @, resultTable[section], section
doConfigUpdate @, resultTable, sectionNames
log.debug "Section Name not provided. You are doing it wrong."
write: =>
-- Make sure @configuration is not an empty table.
unless next( @configuration ) == nil
@configuration.__version = @version
serializedConfig = json.encode @configuration
@configuration.__version = nil
if @fileHandle = @fileName, 'w'
@fileHandle\write serializedConfig
log.warn "Could not write the configuration file \"#{@fileName}\"."
delete: =>
os.remove @fileName
if haveDepCtrl
return version\register ConfigHandler
return ConfigHandler