
313 lines
12 KiB

local log, Line, LineCollection, Math, tags, Transform
version = '1.1.8'
haveDepCtrl, DependencyControl = pcall require, 'l0.DependencyControl'
if haveDepCtrl
version = DependencyControl {
name: 'MotionHandler'
description: 'A class for applying motion data to a LineCollection.'
author: 'torque'
url: ''
moduleName: 'a-mo.MotionHandler'
feed: ''
{ 'a-mo.Log', version: '1.0.0' }
{ 'a-mo.Line', version: '1.5.3' }
{ 'a-mo.LineCollection', version: '1.3.0' }
{ 'a-mo.Math', version: '1.0.0' }
{ 'a-mo.Tags', version: '1.3.4' }
{ 'a-mo.Transform', version: '1.2.4' }
log, Line, LineCollection, Math, tags, Transform = version\requireModules!
Line = require 'a-mo.Line'
LineCollection = require 'a-mo.LineCollection'
log = require 'a-mo.Log'
Math = require 'a-mo.Math'
tags = require 'a-mo.Tags'
Transform = require 'a-mo.Transform'
class MotionHandler
@version: version
new: ( @lineCollection, mainData, rectClipData = { }, vectClipData = { } ) =>
-- Create a local reference to the options table.
@options = @lineCollection.options
@lineTrackingData = mainData.dataObject
@rectClipData = rectClipData.dataObject
@vectClipData = vectClipData.dataObject
@xDelta = 0
@yDelta = 0
@callbacks = { }
-- Do NOT perform any normal callbacks if mainData is shake
-- rotoshape. In theory it would be possible to do plain translation
-- because the SRS data contains a center_x and center_y field for
-- each frame.
unless 'SRS' == mainData.type or @options.main.clipOnly
if @options.main.xPosition or @options.main.yPosition or @options.main.xScale or @options.main.zRotation
if @options.main.absPos
@callbacks["(\\pos)%(([%-%d%.]+,[%-%d%.]+)%)"] = absolutePosition
@callbacks["(\\pos)%(([%-%d%.]+,[%-%d%.]+)%)"] = position
if @options.main.origin
@callbacks["(\\org)%(([%-%d%.]+,[%-%d%.]+)%)"] = origin
if @options.main.xScale then
@callbacks["(\\fsc[xy])([%d%.]+)"] = scale
if @options.main.border
@callbacks["(\\[xy]?bord)([%d%.]+)"] = scale
if @options.main.shadow
@callbacks["(\\[xy]?shad)([%-%d%.]+)"] = scale
if @options.main.blur
@callbacks["(\\blur)([%d%.]+)"] = blur
if @options.main.zRotation
@callbacks["(\\frz?)([%-%d%.]+)"] = rotate
-- Don't support SRS for rectangular clips.
if @rectClipData and 'SRS' != rectClipData.type
@callbacks['(\\i?clip)(%([%-%d%.]+,[%-%d%.]+,[%-%d%.]+,[%-%d%.]+%))'] = rectangularClip
if @vectClipData
if 'SRS' == vectClipData.type
@callbacks['(\\i?clip)%(([^,]-)%)'] = vectorClipSRS
@callbacks['(\\i?clip)(%([^,]-%))'] = vectorClip
@resultingCollection = LineCollection @lineCollection.sub
@resultingCollection.shouldInsertLines = true
@resultingCollection.options = @options
-- This has to be copied over for clip interpolation
@resultingCollection.meta = @lineCollection.meta
for line in *@lineCollection.lines
if @options.main.linear and not (@options.main.origin and line.hasOrg) and not ((@rectClipData or @vectClipData) and line.hasClip)
line.method = linear
line.method = nonlinear
applyMotion: =>
setProgress = aegisub.progress.set
setProgress 0
totalLines = #@lineCollection.lines
-- The lines are collected in reverse order in LineCollection so
-- that we don't need to do things in reverse here.
insertNumber = @lineCollection.lines[totalLines].number
for index = 1, totalLines
with line = @lineCollection.lines[index]
-- start frame of line relative to start frame of tracked data
.relativeStart = .startFrame - @lineCollection.startFrame + 1
-- end frame of line relative to start frame of tracked data
.relativeEnd = .endFrame - @lineCollection.startFrame
.number = insertNumber
.method @, line
setProgress index/totalLines*100
return @resultingCollection
linear = ( line ) =>
moveTag = tags.allTags.move
posTag = tags.allTags.pos
with line
startFrameTime = aegisub.ms_from_frame aegisub.frame_from_ms .start_time
frameAfterStartTime = aegisub.ms_from_frame aegisub.frame_from_ms( .start_time ) + 1
frameBeforeEndTime = aegisub.ms_from_frame aegisub.frame_from_ms( .end_time ) - 1
endFrameTime = aegisub.ms_from_frame aegisub.frame_from_ms .end_time
-- Calculates the time length (in ms) from the start of the first
-- subtitle frame to the actual start of the line time.
beginTime = math.floor 0.5*(startFrameTime + frameAfterStartTime) - .start_time
-- Calculates the total length of the line plus the difference
-- (which is negative) between the start of the last frame the
-- line is on and the end time of the line.
endTime = math.floor 0.5*(frameBeforeEndTime + endFrameTime) - .start_time
if .move
.text = .text\gsub moveTag.pattern, ->
move = .move
progress = (.start_time - move.start)/(move.end - move.start)
return posTag\format moveTag\interpolate {move.x1, move.y1}, {move.x2, move.y2}, progress
for pattern, callback in pairs @callbacks
.text = .text\gsub pattern, ( tag, value ) ->
values = { }
for frame in *{ .relativeStart, .relativeEnd }
@lineTrackingData\calculateCurrentState frame
values[#values+1] = callback @, value, frame
("%s%s\\t(%d,%d,%s%s)")\format tag, values[1], beginTime, endTime, tag, values[2]
if @options.main.xPosition or @options.main.yPosition
.text = .text\gsub "\\pos(%b())\\t%((%d+,%d+),\\pos(%b())%)", ( start, time, finish ) ->
"\\move" .. start\sub( 1, -2 ) .. ',' .. finish\sub( 2, -2 ) .. ',' .. time .. ")"
@resultingCollection\addLine Line( line, nil, { wasLinear: true } ), nil, true, true
nonlinear = ( line ) =>
moveTag = tags.allTags.move
posTag = tags.allTags.pos
for frame = line.relativeEnd, line.relativeStart, -1
with line
newStartTime = math.floor(math.max(0, aegisub.ms_from_frame( @lineCollection.startFrame + frame - 1 ))/10)*10
newEndTime = math.floor(aegisub.ms_from_frame( @lineCollection.startFrame + frame )/10)*10
timeDelta = newStartTime - math.floor(math.max(0,aegisub.ms_from_frame( @lineCollection.startFrame + .relativeStart - 1 ))/10)*10
local newText
if @options.main.killTrans
newText = \interpolateTransformsCopy timeDelta, newStartTime
newText = \detokenizeTransformsCopy timeDelta
fadeTag = tags.allTags.fade
if @options.main.killTrans
local fade
newText = newText\gsub "({.-})", ( tagBlock ) -> tagBlock\gsub fadeTag.pattern, ( value ) ->
fade = fadeTag\convert value
return ""
if fade
-- multiplies every alpha tag by a scaling factor determined by the fade envelope
local fadeFactor
-- Piecewise function done with logicals :)
-- probably should go in fadeTag\interpolate, but I dunno how that whole section is supposed to work
f = { k, tonumber v for k, v in pairs fade }
fadeFactor = (
(timeDelta < f.t1) and f.a1 or
(timeDelta < f.t2) and f.a1 + (f.a2 - f.a1) * (timeDelta - f.t1) / (f.t2 - f.t1) or
(timeDelta < f.t3) and f.a2 or
(timeDelta < f.t4) and f.a2 + (f.a3 - f.a2) * (timeDelta - f.t3) / (f.t4 - f.t3) or
-- factor between 0 and 1 representing opacity of fade line
fadeFactor = (255 - fadeFactor) / 255
-- apply the opacity factor to all alpha tags
newText = newText\gsub "({.-})", ( tagBlock ) -> tagBlock\gsub "(\\[1234]?a[lpha]-)&H(%x%x)&", ( alpha, value ) ->
value = Math.round( 255 - ( fadeFactor * (255 - tonumber value, 16) ) )
return alpha .. "&H%02X&"\format value
-- modified each fade tag in every override block
newText = newText\gsub "({.-})", ( tagBlock ) -> tagBlock\gsub fadeTag.pattern, ( value ) ->
fade = fadeTag\convert value
-- Erroneous fade tags are being ignored and left sitting around as long as they doesn't have 2 or 7 arguments.
-- if t1 == nil
-- message = "There is a malformed \\fade you must fix.\n\\fade requires 7 integer arguments.\nLine: #{.number}, tag: \\fade(#{fade})."
-- if fade\match("(%d+),(%d+)")
-- message ..= "\nPerhaps you meant to use \\fad."
-- log.windowError message
for i = 4, 7 -- t1 - t4
fade[i] -= timeDelta
return fadeTag\format fade
if .move
newText = newText\gsub moveTag.pattern, ->
move = .move
progress = (timeDelta - move.start)/(move.end - move.start)
return posTag\format moveTag\interpolate {move.x1, move.y1}, {move.x2, move.y2}, progress
-- In theory, this is more optimal if we loop over the frames on
-- the outside loop and over the lines on the inside loop, as
-- this only needs to be calculated once for each frame, whereas
-- currently it is being calculated for each frame for each
-- line. However, if the loop structure is changed, then
-- inserting lines into the resultingCollection would need to be
-- more clever to compensate for the fact that lines would no
-- longer be added to it in order.
@lineTrackingData\calculateCurrentState frame
-- iterate through the necessary operations
for pattern, callback in pairs @callbacks
newText = newText\gsub pattern, ( tag, value ) ->
tag .. callback @, value, frame
newLine = Line line, @resultingCollection, {
text: newText,
start_time: newStartTime,
end_time: newEndTime,
transformsAreTokenized: false,
newLine.karaokeShift = (newStartTime - .start_time)*0.1
@resultingCollection\addLine newLine, nil, true, true
position = ( pos, frame ) =>
x, y = pos\match "([%-%d%.]+),([%-%d%.]+)"
x, y = positionMath x, y, @lineTrackingData
("(%g,%g)")\format Math.round( x, 2 ), Math.round( y, 2 )
positionMath = ( x, y, data ) ->
x = (tonumber( x ) - data.xStartPosition)*data.xRatio
y = (tonumber( y ) - data.yStartPosition)*data.yRatio
radius = math.sqrt( x^2 + y^2 )
alpha = Math.dAtan( y, x )
x = data.xCurrentPosition + radius*Math.dCos( alpha - data.zRotationDiff )
y = data.yCurrentPosition + radius*Math.dSin( alpha - data.zRotationDiff )
return x, y
absolutePosition = ( pos, frame ) =>
x, y = pos\match "([%-%d%.]+),([%-%d%.]+)"
@xDelta = @lineTrackingData.xPosition[frame] - x
@yDelta = @lineTrackingData.yPosition[frame] - y
("(%g,%g)")\format Math.round( @lineTrackingData.xPosition[frame], 2 ), Math.round( @lineTrackingData.yPosition[frame], 2 )
-- Needs to be fixed.
origin = ( origin, frame ) =>
ox, oy = origin\match("([%-%d%.]+),([%-%d%.]+)")
ox, oy = positionMath ox, oy, @lineTrackingData
("(%g,%g)")\format Math.round( ox, 2 ), Math.round( oy, 2 )
scale = ( scale, frame ) =>
scale *= @lineTrackingData.xRatio
tostring Math.round scale, 2
blur = ( blur, frame ) =>
ratio = @lineTrackingData.xRatio
ratio = 1 - (1 - ratio)*@options.main.blurScale
tostring Math.round blur*ratio, 2
rotate = ( rotation, frame ) =>
rotation += @lineTrackingData.zRotationDiff
tostring Math.round rotation, 2
rectangularClip = ( clip, frame ) =>
@rectClipData\calculateCurrentState frame
@rectClipData.zRotationDiff = 0
return clip\gsub "([%.%d%-]+),([%.%d%-]+)", ( x, y ) ->
x, y = x + @xDelta, y + @yDelta
x, y = positionMath x, y, @rectClipData
("%g,%g")\format Math.round( x, 2 ), Math.round( y, 2 )
vectorClip = ( clip, frame ) =>
-- This is redundant if vectClipData is the same as
-- lineTrackingData.
@vectClipData\calculateCurrentState frame
return clip\gsub "([%.%d%-]+) ([%.%d%-]+)", ( x, y ) ->
x, y = x + @xDelta, y + @yDelta
x, y = positionMath x, y, @vectClipData
("%g %g")\format Math.round( x, 2 ), Math.round( y, 2 )
vectorClipSRS = ( clip, frame ) =>
return '(' .. clip .. ' ' ..[frame]\sub( 1, -2 ) .. ')'
if haveDepCtrl
return version\register MotionHandler
return MotionHandler