
902 lines
24 KiB

DependencyControl = require "l0.DependencyControl"
version = DependencyControl{
name: "(Almost) Functional Suite",
version: "0.6.0",
description: "Collection of commonly used functions",
author: "line0",
moduleName: "l0.Functional",
url: "",
feed: "",
{"aegisub.util", "aegisub.unicode", ""},
util, unicode, re = version\requireModules!
logger = version\getLogger!
local list, _table, _math, _string, _function, _unicode, _util, _re, rngSeed
-- define some generic functions to be used as default parameters for callbacks
_function = {
identity: (...) -> ...
identical: (a, b) -> a == b
true: -> true
-- provide a convenient way to check if these generic functions were passed as an argument
-- so special optimized code paths can be easily provided
getArgType = (arg) ->
valType = type arg
if valType != "function"
return valType
for k, v in pairs _function
return v if arg == v
return "function"
-- list functions are designed to work on numerically keyed tables
-- calling list will create a new table that provides all of the list functions as methods
listMeta = {
__index: (tbl, key) -> list[key] or nil
list = setmetatable {
makeSet: (source, target = {}, overwrite = true, value = true) ->
target[v] = value for v in *source when overwrite or not target[v]
return target
chunk: (tbl, size = 1) ->
chunks, c, nextStart = {}, 0, 1
for i, v in ipairs tbl
if i == nextStart
c += 1
chunks[c], nextStart = {v}, i + size
else chunks[c][i+size+1-nextStart] = v
return chunks, c
compact: (tbl, includeFalse = false) ->
if includeFalse
[v for _, v in pairs tbl when v]
else [v for _, v in pairs tbl when v != nil]
compare: (a, b, target, iteratee) ->
if not iteratee and "function" == type target
target, iteratee = a, target
seenIndices, s = {}, 0
for i, v in ipairs b
target[i] = iteratee a[i], v, i, a, b
seenIndices[i] = true
s += 1
for i, v in ipairs a
unless seenIndices[i]
target[i] = iteratee v, b[i], i, a, b
s += 1
return target, s
compareLeft: (a, b, target, iteratee) ->
if not iteratee and "function" == type target
target, iteratee = a, target
s = 0
for i, v in ipairs a
target[i] = iteratee v, b[i], i, a, b
s += 1
return target, s
copy: (tbl) -> [v for v in *tbl]
diff: (left, ...) ->
rightSet = {}
list.makeSet right, rightSet for right in *{...}
diff = [v for v in *left when not rightSet[v]]
return diff, rightSet
filter: (tbl, predicate) ->
[v for i, v in ipairs tbl when predicate v, i, tbl]
findInRange: (tbl, first = 1, last = #tbl, predicate) ->
for i = first, last, #tbl
return tbl[i], i if predicate tbl[i], i, tbl
find: (tbl, predicate) ->
for i, v in ipairs tbl
return v, i if predicate v, i, tbl
groupBy: (tbl, selector = _function.identity) ->
groups = {}
selType = getArgType selector
for i, v in ipairs tbl
groupKey = switch selType
when _function.identity then v
when "function" then selector v, i, tbl
else v[selector]
group = groups[groupKey]
if group
group.n += 1
group[group.n] = v
else groups[groupKey] = {v, n: 1}
return groups
indexBy: (tbl, key, onlyTables = true) ->
{v[key], v for v in *tbl when not onlyTables or type(v) == "table" and v[key] != nil}
indexOf: (tbl, item, first = 1, last = #tbl, reverse) ->
return if #tbl == 0
first = #tbl - first + 1 if first < 0
last = #tbl - last + 1 if last < 0
if reverse
return i for i = last, first, -1 when tbl[i] == item
return i for i = first, last when tbl[i] == item
intersect: (tbl, ...) ->
others = {...}
otherCnt = #others
switch otherCnt
when 0 then return list.copy tbl
when 1
set = list.makeSet tbl
return [v for v in *others[1] when set[v]]
intersection = {v, 0 for v in *tbl}
for i, other in ipairs others
intersection[v] = i for v in *other when intersection[v] == i-1
return [k for k, v in pairs intersection when v == otherCnt]
join: (...) ->
joined, j, tbls = {}, 0, {...}
return if #tbls == 0
for tbl in *tbls
for v in *tbl
j += 1
joined[j] = v
return joined, j
joinInto: (target, ...) ->
t, tbls = #target, {...}
for tbl in *tbls
for v in *tbl
t += 1
target[t] = v
return target, t
lastIndexOf: (tbl, item, first = 1, last = #tbl) ->
list.indexOf tbl, item, first, last, true
map: (tbl, selector = _function.identity, compact = false, remapNumKeys = false) ->
mapped, m, n = {}, 0, 0
for i, v in ipairs tbl
mapVal, mapKey = selector v, i, tbl
continue if compact and mapVal == nil
if mapKey == nil or remapNumKeys and mapKey == type "number"
m += 1
mapped[m] = mapVal
mapped[mapKey] = mapVal
n += 1
return mapped, m + n
mapCompact: (tbl, selector = _function.identity, remapNumKeys = false) ->
return tbl, selector, true, remapNumKeys
pluck: (tbl, key, onlyTables = true) ->
[v[key] for v in *tbl when not onlyTables or "table" == type v]
reduce: (tbl, initial = nil, iteratee = _function.identity) ->
haveInitial = initial != nil
reduced = initial if haveInitial else tbl[1]
reduced = iteratee(reduced, v, i, tbl) for i, v in ipairs tbl when haveInitial or i > 1
return reduced
removeRange: (tbl, first, last = -1) ->
len, removed = #tbl, {}
first += len+1 if first < 0
last += len+1 if last < 0
rmCnt = last - first + 1
for i = first, last
tbl[i], removed[i-first+1] = tbl[i+rmCnt], tbl[i]
for i = last + 1, len
tbl[i] = tbl[i+rmCnt]
return removed, rmCnt
removeIndices: (tbl, indices = {}) ->
removed, shift = {}, 0
indexCnt = #indices
switch indexCnt
when 0 then return removed, 0
when 1 then return {table.remove tbl, indices[1]}, 1
i, tblLen, indexSet = 1, #tbl, list.makeSet indices
while i <= tblLen + shift
if i <= tblLen and indexSet[i]
shift += 1
removed[shift] = tbl[i]
elseif shift > 0
tbl[i-shift] = tbl[i]
i += 1
return removed, shift
removeValues: (tbl, ...) ->
values, tblLen, i, removed, shift = {...}, #tbl, 1, {}, 0
valCnt, valueSet = #values, list.makeSet values
return removed, 0 if valCnt == 0
while i <= tblLen + shift
if i <= tblLen and valueSet[tbl[i]]
shift += 1
removed[shift] = tbl[i]
elseif shift > 0
tbl[i-shift] = tbl[i]
i += 1
return removed, shift
removeWhere: (tbl, predicate = _function.true, sparse = false) ->
removeAll = predicate == _function.true
removed, r = {}, 0
for i, v in ipairs tbl
if removeAll or predicate v, i, tbl
r += 1
if sparse
removed[r], tbl[i] = v
else removed[r] = i
if sparse
return removed, r
return list.removeIndexes(tbl, removed), r
reverse: (tbl) ->
reversed, r = {}, #tbl
for v in *tbl
reversed[r] = v
r -= 1
return reversed
slice: (tbl, first = 1, last = -1) ->
len = #tbl
first += len+1 if first < 0
last += len+1 if last < 0
return [v for v in *tbl[first, last]]
trim: (tbl, first = 1, last = -1) ->
len = #tbl
first += len+1 if first < 0
last += len+1 if last < 0
removed = {}
if first > 1
removed[first + i - last - 1] = tbl[i] for i = last + 1, len
removed[i] = tbl[i] for i = 1, first - 1
tbl[i] = tbl[i+first-1] for i = 1, last - first + 1
tbl[i] = nil for i = last - first + 2, len
elseif last < len
for i = last + 1, len
removed[i-last], tbl[i] = tbl[i]
return removed, len - last + first - 1
uniq: (tbl, selector = _function.identity) -> -- TODO: optimization for sorted lists
values, unique, u = {}, {}, 0
identitySel = selector == _function.identity
for i, v in ipairs tbl
cmp = identitySel and v or not identitySel and selector v, i, tbl
continue if cmp == nil or values[cmp]
u += 1
unique[u], values[cmp] = v, true
return unique, u
}, { __call: (_, tbl = {}) -> setmetatable tbl, listMeta }
_math = {
degrees: (rad) ->
return rad * 180/math.pi
isInt: (num) ->
type_ = type num
return type_ == "number" and num == math.floor(num), type_
assertInt: (num, varName = "Number") ->
isInt, type_ = _math.isInt num
logger\assert isInt, "%s must be an integer, got a %s.", varName, type_
inRange: (num, min, max, checkInt) ->
type(num) == "number" and num >= min and num <= max and (not checkInt or math.floor(num) == num)
assertInRange: (num, min, max, checkInt, varName = "Number") ->
logger\assert _math.inRange(num, min, max, checkInt), "%s must be %sin range %d-%d, got %s.", varName,
checkInt and "an integer " or "", min, max, tostring(num)
nan: 0/0
randomFloat: (min = 0, max = 1) ->
return min + math.random! * (max - min)
round: (num, idp = 0) ->
return num if idp == math.huge
fac = 10^idp
return math.floor(num * fac + 0.5) / fac
roundMany: (idp = 0, ...) ->
fac = 10^idp
return unpack for i = 1, select '#', ...
math.floor(select(i, ...) * fac + 0.5) / fac
seedRNG: (seed = false) ->
if "boolean" == type seed
return rngSeed if seed == false and rngSeed
rngSeed = os.time!
else rngSeed = seed
math.randomseed rngSeed
return rngSeed
sign: (num, signedZero) ->
return _math.nan if num != num
return 1 if num > 0
return -1 if num < 0
if signedZero
return #tostring(num/math.abs num) > 1 and -1 or 1
return 0
sum: (num, ...) ->
num += n for n in *{...}
return num
toStrings: (...) -> unpack [tostring n for n in *table.pack ...]
vector2: {
distance: (x1, y1, x2, y2) ->
return math.sqrt (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2
normalize: (x, y, length = 1) ->
return _math.nan, _math.nan if x == 0 and y == 0
fac = length / _math.vector2.distance 0, 0, x, y
return x*fac, y*fac
formatError = (args, a, opts, type_, msg) ->
"failed to format arg #{a} (#{tostring args[a]}) to #{opts}#{type_}: #{msg}"
_string = {
escLuaExp: (str) -> str\gsub "([%%%(%)%[%]%.%*%-%+%?%$%^])", "%%%1"
escRegExp: (str) -> str\gsub "([\\/%^%$%.|%?%*%+%(%)%[%]%{%}])", "\\%1"
split: (str, sep = " ", init = 1, plain = true, limit = -1) ->
first, last = str\find sep, init, plain
-- fast return if there's nothing to split - saves one str.sub()
return {str}, 1 if not first or limit == 0
splits, s = {}, 1
while first and s != limit + 1
splits[s] = str\sub init, first - 1
s += 1
init = last + 1
first, last = str\find sep, init, plain
splits[s] = str\sub init
return splits, s
formatEx: (fmtStr, ...) ->
args, a = table.pack(...), 1
local errors
str = fmtStr\gsub "(%%[%+%- 0]*%d*.?%d*[hlLzjtI]*)([aABcedEfFgGcnNopiuAsuxX])", (opts, type_) ->
repl = switch type_
when "N" -- nicely formatted float (no trailing zeroes)
success, result = pcall string.format, "#{opts}f", args[a]
if success
tonumber result
errors or= {}
errors[#errors+1] = formatError args, a, opts, type_, result
when "B" -- trueish/falsish as 1 and 0
args[a] and 1 or 0
success, result = pcall string.format, opts..type_, args[a]
if success
errors or= {}
errors[#errors+1] = formatError args, a, opts, type_, result
a += 1
return repl
if errors
return nil, table.concat errors, '; '
return str
pad: (str, charCnt, padStr = "0", right = false) ->
repCnt = charCnt - #str
return str if repCnt < 1
padding = padStr\rep(math.ceil repCnt / #padStr)\sub 1, repCnt
return right and str .. padding or padding .. str
trim: (str) -> str\gsub "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"
trimLeft: (str) -> str\gsub "^%s*(.+)$", "%1"
trimRight: (str) -> str\gsub "^(.-)%s*$", "%1"
toNumbers: (base, ...) ->
numbers, n = {}, 1
if type(base) != "number"
numbers[1], n = base, 2
base = 10
for str in table.pack ...
numbers[n] = tonumber str, base
n += 1
return numbers, n-1
_table = {
addDefaults: (tbl, defaults, predicate) ->
addedCnt = 0
for k, v in pairs defaults
if not predicate and tbl[k] == nil or predicate and predicate tbl[k], k, tbl
addedCnt += 1
tbl[k] = v
return addedCnt
compare: (a, b, target, iteratee) ->
if not iteratee and "function" == type target
target, iteratee = a, target
seenKeys, s = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs b
target[k] = iteratee a[k], v, k, a, b
seenKeys[k] = true
s += 1
for k, v in pairs a
unless seenKeys[k]
target[k] = iteratee v, b[k], k, a, b
s += 1
return target, s
compareLeft: (a, b, target, iteratee) ->
if not iteratee and "function" == type target
target, iteratee = a, target
s = 0
for k, v in pairs a
target[k] = iteratee v, b[k], k, a, b
s += 1
return target, s
copy: (tbl) -> {k, v for k, v in pairs tbl}
copy_deep: util.deep_copy
deepCopy: util.deep_copy
-- selects key/value pairs from left which are different from the values found at the same key in right
diff: (left, right, sparse = false, comparator = _function.identical) ->
diff, d = {}, 0
identicalComp = comparator == _function.identical
for k, vLeft in pairs left
vRight = right[k]
continue if sparse and vRight == nil
if identicalComp and vRight != vLeft or not identicalComp and not comparator vLeft, vRight, k
diff[k] = vLeft
d += 1
return diff, d
equals: (a, b) ->
return _util.equals a, b, "table", "table"
filter: (tbl, predicate) ->
filtered, f = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs tbl
if predicate v, k, tbl
filtered[k] = v
f += 1
return filtered, f
find: (tbl, predicate) ->
for k, v in pairs tbl
return v, k if predicate v, k, tbl
findKey: (tbl, value) ->
for k, v in pairs tbl
return k if v == value
intersect: (...) ->
tbls = table.pack ...
return _table.intersectEqual tbls, _function.identical, tbls.n
intersectEqual: (tbls, comparator = _table.equals, tblCnt = #tbls) ->
first = tbls[1]
intersection, i = {}, 0
return nil if tblCnt == 0
identicalComp = comparator == nil or comparator == _function.identical
for k, v in pairs first
allEqual = true
for j = 2, tblCnt
if identicalComp and tbls[j][k] != v or not identicalComp and comparator v, tbls[j][k], k
allEqual = false
if allEqual
intersection[k] = v
i += 1
return intersection, i
invert: (tbl, multiValue) ->
unless multiValue
return {v, k for k, v in pairs tbl}
inverted = {}
for k, v in pairs tbl
if inverted[v]
inverted[v].n += 1
inverted[v][inverted[v].n] = k
else inverted[v] = {k, n: 1}
return inverted
isList: (tbl) ->
len = _table.length tbl
return #tbl == len, len
keys: (tbl, except) ->
keys, k = {}, 0
exceptSet = switch type except
when "table" then list.makeSet except
when "nil" then nil
else {[except]: true}
for key, _ in pairs tbl
if except == nil or not exceptSet[key]
k += 1
keys[k] = key
return keys, k
length: (tbl) ->
n = 0
n += 1 for _, _ in pairs tbl
return n
continuous: (tbl) ->
continuous, c = {}, 1
for k, v in pairs tbl
if "number" == type k
continuous[c], c = v, c + 1
else continuous[k] = v
return continuous
map: (tbl, selector = _function.identity, compact = true, remapNumKeys = false) ->
mapped, m, n = {}, 0, 0
for k, v in pairs tbl
mapVal, mapKey = selector v, k, tbl
continue if compact and mapVal == nil
if mapKey == nil or remapNumKeys and mapKey == type "number"
m += 1
mapped[m] = mapVal
mapped[mapKey] = mapVal
n += 1
return mapped, m + n
merge: (target, source, overwrite = true) ->
mergeCnt = 0
for k, v in pairs source
if overwrite or target[k] == nil
target[k] = v
mergeCnt += 1
return target, mergeCnt
pick: (tbl, selector) ->
picked, p = {}, 0
switch type selector
when "table"
keySet = list.makeSet selector
for k, v in pairs tbl
if keySet[k]
picked[k] = v
p += 1
when "function"
for k, v in pairs tbl
if selector v, k tbl
picked[k] = v
p += 1
return picked, p
pluck: (tbl, key, onlyTables = true) ->
[v[key] for _,v in pairs tbl when not onlyTables or "table" == type v]
-- fast in-place intersect
purgeDiff: (target, ...) ->
tbls = table.pack ...
tblCnt, intCnt = tbls.n, 0
for k, v in pairs target
allEqual = true
for i = 1, tblCnt
if tbls[i][k] != v
allEqual = false
if allEqual
intCnt += 1
else target[k] = nil
return intCnt
reduce: (tbl, iteratee = _function.identity, initial) ->
reduced = initial
reduced = iteratee(reduced, v, i, tbl) for i, v in pairs tbl
return reduced
removeAll: (tbl) ->
return _table.removeWhere tbl, _function.true
removeKeys: (tbl, keys, exceptMode) ->
keySet = list.makeSet keys
removed, r = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs tbl
if not exceptMode and keySet[k] or exceptMode and not keySet[k]
r += 1
removed, tbl[k] = tbl[k]
return removed, r
removeKeysExcept: (tbl, keys) ->
return _table.removeKeys tbl, keys, true
removeWhere: (tbl, predicate) ->
removeAll = predicate == _function.true
removed, r = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs tbl
if removeAll or predicate v, k, tbl
r += 1
removed[k], tbl[k] = v
return removed, r
transform: (tbl, iteratee = _function.identity) ->
return _table.reduce tbl, iteratee, {}
union: (...) ->
tbls = table.pack ...
union, u = {}, 0
for i = 1, tbls.n
for k, v in pairs tbls[i]
if union[k] == nil
union[k] = v
u += 1
return union, u
uniq: (tbl, selector = _function.identity) -> -- TODO: optimization for sorted lists
values, unique, u = {}, {}, 0
identitySel = selector == _function.identity
for k, v in pairs tbl
cmp = identitySel and v or not identitySel and selector v, k, tbl
continue if cmp == nil or values[cmp]
u += 1
unique[k], values[cmp] = v, true
return unique, u
values: (tbl, sortComp) ->
values, i = {}, 0
for _, v in pairs tbl
i += 1
values[i] = v
if sortComp == true
table.sort values
elseif sortComp
table.sort values, sortComp
return values, i
_util = {
equals: DependencyControl.UnitTestSuite.UnitTest.equals
itemsEqual: DependencyControl.UnitTestSuite.UnitTest.itemsEqual
formatTimecode: (time, format) ->
splits = _util.splitTimestamp time
return _re.replace format, "(h+|m+|s+|f+)", (flag) ->
_string.pad tostring(splits[flag\sub 1, 1]), #flag
splitTimestamp: (time) ->
splitTime = (time, div) ->
split = time % div
return split, (time - split) / div
splits = {}
splits.f, time = splitTime time, 1000
splits.s, time = splitTime time, 60
splits.m, time = splitTime time, 60
splits.h = time
return splits
getScriptInfo: (sub) ->
infoBlockSeen, scriptInfo = false, {}
for line in *sub
if line.class == "info"
infoBlockSeen = true
scriptInfo[line.key] = line.value
elseif infoBlockSeen
return scriptInfo
RGB_to_HSV: (r, g, b) ->
r, g, b = util.clamp(r, 0, 255), util.clamp(g, 0, 255), util.clamp(b, 0, 255)
v = math.max r, g, b
delta = v - math.min r, g, b
if delta == 0
return 0, 0, v/255
s = delta/v
h = 60*(r == v and (g-b)/delta or g == v and (b-r)/delta + 2 or (r-g)/delta + 4)
return h > 0 and h or h+360, s, v/255
assTimecode2ms: (tc) ->
num = tonumber
split = {tc\match "^(%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)%.(%d%d)$"}
if #split != 4
return nil, "invalid ASS timecode"
return ((num(split[1])*60 + num(split[2]))*60 + num(split[3]))*1000 + num(split[4])*10
ms2AssTimecode: (time) ->
{:h, :m, :s, :f} = _util.splitTimestamp time
if h > 9
return nil, "value too large to create an ASS timecode"
return string.format("%01d:%02d:%02d.%02d", h, m, s, f/10)
uuid: ->
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"\gsub "[xy]", (c) ->
v = c == "x" and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random 8, 0xb
return "%x"\format v
_unicode = {
toCharTable: (s) ->
charNum, charStart, uniChars = 1, 1, {}
while charStart <= #s
charEnd = charStart - 1 + unicode.charwidth s\sub charStart, charStart
uniChars[charNum] = s\sub charStart, charEnd
charStart, charNum = charEnd+1, charNum+1
return uniChars
reverse: (s) -> table.concat list.reverse _unicode.toCharTable s
sub: (s, i = 1, j) ->
uniChars = _unicode.toCharTable s
charCnt = #uniChars
j or= charCnt
i = i < 0 and math.max(charCnt+i+1,1) or util.clamp i, 1, charCnt
j = j < 0 and math.max(charCnt+j+1,1) or util.clamp j, 1, charCnt
return table.concat uniChars, "", i, j
_re = {
matches: (str, pattern, ...) ->
regex = re.compile pattern, ...
chars = _unicode.toCharTable str
charCnt, last = #chars, 0
return if last >= charCnt
matches = regex\match table.concat chars, "", last+1, charCnt
matchCnt = #matches
return unless matches
last += matches[1].last
start = matchCnt == 1 and 1 or 2
unpack [matches[i].str for i = start, matchCnt]
replace: (str, pattern, callback, ...) ->
regex = if type(pattern) == "table" and type(pattern._regex) == "cdata"
else re.compile pattern, ...
chars = _unicode.toCharTable str
charCnt, last, replacements, r = #chars, 0, {}, 1
-- since we can only ever get one match at a time out of re.match
-- we need to run recursively over the not-yet-matched substring
-- until we either hit the end of string or no more matches are found
while last < charCnt
matches = regex\match table.concat chars, "", last+1, charCnt
-- stop if no further matches can be found
break unless matches
matchCnt = #matches
-- discard the overall match table when there are subgroups
start = matchCnt == 1 and 1 or 2
-- pass the matches to the callback, and insert a replacement table
-- to the global list of replacements for every return value that is a string
rep = {callback unpack [matches[i].str for i = start, matchCnt]}
for i = start, matchCnt
continue if "string" != type rep[i+1-start]
-- add offset to make first/last index into the source string
-- rather than the current substring
replacements[r] = first: matches[i].first+last, last: matches[i].last+last, str: rep[i+1-start]
r += 1
last += matches[1].last
-- splice together the result using the replacement strings
-- as well as the original unicode characters for the gaps inbetween their indexes
fragments, f, last = {}, 0, 0
for rep in *replacements
fragments[f+c] = chars[c+last] for c = 1, rep.first-last-1
f += rep.first - last
fragments[f], last = rep.str, rep.last
-- don't forget the tail after the last replacement
fragments[f+c] = chars[c+last] for c = 1, #chars-last
return table.concat fragments
return version\register {
function: _function
List: list
string: _table.union string, _string
math: _table.union math, _math
table: _table.union table, _table
util: _table.union util, _util
re: _table.union re, _re
unicode: _table.union unicode, _unicode