
484 lines
15 KiB

local util, json, log, tags, Transform
version = '1.5.3'
haveDepCtrl, DependencyControl = pcall require, 'l0.DependencyControl'
if haveDepCtrl
version = DependencyControl {
name: 'Line',
description: 'A class for containing and manipulating a line.',
author: 'torque',
url: ''
moduleName: 'a-mo.Line'
feed: ''
{ 'aegisub.util' }
{ 'json' }
{ 'a-mo.Log', version: '1.0.0' }
{ 'a-mo.Tags', version: '1.3.4' }
{ 'a-mo.Transform', version: '1.2.4' }
util, json, log, tags, Transform = version\requireModules!
util = require 'aegisub.util'
json = require 'json'
log = require 'a-mo.Log'
tags = require 'a-mo.Tags'
Transform = require 'a-mo.Transform'
frameFromMs = aegisub.frame_from_ms
msFromFrame = aegisub.ms_from_frame
class Line
@version: version
fieldsToDeepCopy: {
fieldsToCopy: {
-- Line fields
'actor', 'class', 'comment', 'effect', 'end_time', 'layer', 'margin_l', 'margin_r', 'margin_t', 'section', 'start_time', 'style', 'text'
-- Our fields
'number', 'transforms', 'transformShift', 'transformsAreTokenized', 'properties', 'styleRef', 'wasLinear'
splitChar: "\\\6"
tPlaceholder: ( count ) -> "\\\3#{count}\\\3"
tTokenPattern: "(\\\3(%d+)\\\3)"
defaultXPosition: {
-- align 3, 6, 9
( subResX, leftMargin, rightMargin ) ->
return subResX - rightMargin
-- align 1, 4, 7
( subResX, leftMargin, rightMargin ) ->
return leftMargin
-- align 2, 5, 8
( subResX, leftMargin, rightMargin ) ->
return 0.5*subResX
defaultYPosition: {
-- align 1, 2, 3
( subResY, verticalMargin ) ->
return subResY - verticalMargin
-- align 4, 5, 6
( subResY, verticalMargin ) ->
return 0.5*subResY
-- align 7, 8, 9
( subResY, verticalMargin ) ->
return verticalMargin
new: ( line, @parentCollection, overrides ) =>
for field in *@fieldsToDeepCopy
if "table" == type line[field]
-- safe to assume that all fields to be deep copied are expected
-- to be tables, otherwise they wouldn't be being deep copied
if "table" == type( overrides ) and "table" == type overrides[field]
@[field] = util.deep_copy overrides[field]
@[field] = util.deep_copy line[field]
if overrides[field] != nil
@[field] = overrides[field]
@[field] = line[field]
if "table" == type overrides
for field in *@fieldsToCopy
if overrides[field] != nil
@[field] = overrides[field]
@[field] = line[field]
for field in *@fieldsToCopy
@[field] = line[field]
@duration = @end_time - @start_time
-- Gathers extra line metrics: the alignment and position.
-- Returns false if there is not already a position tag in the line.
extraMetrics: ( styleRef = @styleRef ) =>
alignPattern = tags.allTags.align.pattern
posPattern = tags.allTags.pos.pattern
moveTag = tags.allTags.move
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
tagBlock\gsub alignPattern, ( value ) ->
unless @align
@align = tonumber value
tagBlock\gsub posPattern, ( value ) ->
unless @xPosition or @move
x, y = value\match "([%.%d%-]+),([%.%d%-]+)"
@xPosition, @yPosition = tonumber( x ), tonumber( y )
tagBlock\gsub moveTag.pattern, ( value ) ->
unless @xPosition or @move
@move = moveTag\convert value
unless @align
@align = styleRef.align
unless @xPosition or @move
@xPosition, @yPosition = @getDefaultPosition!
return false
return true
formatTime = ( time ) ->
seconds = time/1000
minutes = seconds/60
hours = minutes/60
return ("%d:%02d:%05.2f")\format math.floor( hours ), math.floor( minutes%60 ), seconds%60
__tostring: =>
return @raw
createRaw: =>
line = {
(@comment and ("Comment: %d")\format( @layer ) or ("Dialogue: %d")\format( @layer ))
formatTime @start_time
formatTime @end_time
@raw = table.concat line, ','
generateTagIndex: ( major, minor ) ->
return tonumber tostring( major ) .. "." .. tostring minor
splitTagIndex: ( index ) ->
major = math.floor index
minor = tostring( index )\match "%d+.(%d+)"
return major, tonumber minor
-- Tries to guarantee there will be no redundantly duplicate tags in
-- the line. Does no other processing. Unfortunately, actually doing
-- this perfectly is very complicated because, for example, \t() is
-- actually position dependent. e.g. with \t(\c&HFF0000&)\c&HFF0000&,
-- the \t will not actually do anything.
deduplicateTags: =>
-- Combine contiguous override blocks.
@text = @text\gsub "}{", @splitChar
-- note: most tags can appear multiple times in a line and only the
-- last instance in a given tag block is used. Some tags (\pos,
-- \move, \org, \an) can only appear once and only the first
-- instance in the entire line is used.
tagCollection = { }
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock, major ) =>
for tag in *tags.oneTimeTags
tagBlock = tagBlock\gsub tag.pattern, ( value ) ->
unless tagCollection[]
tagCollection[] = @.generateTagIndex major, tagBlock\find tag.pattern
return nil
log.debug "#{} previously found at #{tagCollection[]}"
return ""
return tagBlock
-- Quirks: 2 clips are allowed, as long as one is vector and one is
-- rectangular. Move and pos obviously conflict, and whichever is
-- the first is the one that's used. The same happens with fad and
-- fade. And again, the same with clip and iclip. Also, rectangular
-- clips can exist inside of transforms. If a rect clip exists in a
-- transform, its type (i or not) dictates the type of all rect
-- clips in the line.
for _, v in ipairs {
{ "move", "pos" }
{ "fade", "fad" }
{ "rectClip", "rectiClip" }
{ "vectClip", "vectiClip" }
if tagCollection[v[1]] and tagCollection[v[2]]
if tagCollection[v[1]] < tagCollection[v[2]]
-- get rid of tagCollection[v[2]]
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
tagBlock = tagBlock\gsub tags.allTags[v[2]].pattern, ""
-- get rid of tagCollection[v[1]]
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
tagBlock = tagBlock\gsub tags.allTags[v[1]].pattern, ""
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
for tag in *tags.repeatTags
-- Calculates the number of times the pattern will be replaced.
_, num = tagBlock\gsub tag.pattern, ""
-- Replaces all instances except the last one.
tagBlock = tagBlock\gsub tag.pattern, "", num - 1
return tagBlock
-- Now the whole thing has to be rerun on the contents of all
-- transforms.
@text = @text\gsub @splitChar, "}{"
@text = @text\gsub "{}", ""
@text = @text\gsub "\\clip%(%)", "" -- useless even inside transforms
-- Find the first instance of an override tag in a line following
-- startIndex.
-- Arguments:
-- tag [table]: A well-formatted tag table, probably taken from tags.allTags.
-- text [string]: The text that will be searched for the tag.
-- Default: @text, the entire line text.
-- startIndex [number]: A number specifying the point at which the
-- search should start.
-- Default: 1, the beginning of the provided text block.
-- Returns:
-- - The value of the tag.
-- On error:
-- - nil
-- - A string containing an error message.
getTagValue: ( tag, text = @text, startIndex = 1 ) =>
unless tag
return nil, "No tag table was supplied."
value = text\match tag.pattern, startIndex
if value
return tag\convert value
return nil, "The specified tag could not be found"
-- Find all instances of a tag in a line. Only looks through override
-- tag blocks.
getAllTagValues: ( tag ) =>
values = { }
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
value = @getTagValue tag, tagBlock
if value
table.insert values, value
return tagBlock
return values
-- Sets all values of a tag in a line. The provided table of values
-- must have the same number of tables
setAllTagValues: ( tag, values ) =>
replacements = 1
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
tagBlock, count = tagBlock\gsub tag.pattern, ->
tag.format\format values[replacements]
replacements += 1
return tagBlock
-- combines getAllTagValues and setAllTagValues by running the
-- provided callback on all of the values collected.
modifyAllTagValues: ( tag, callback ) =>
values = @getAllTagValues tag
-- Callback modifies the values table in whatever way.
callback @, values
@setAllTagValues tag, values
-- Adds an empty override tag to the beginning of the line text if
-- there is not an override tag there already.
ensureLeadingOverrideBlockExists: =>
if '{' != @text\sub 1, 1
@text = "{}" .. @text
-- Runs the provided callback on all of the override tag blocks
-- present in the line.
runCallbackOnOverrides: ( callback, count ) =>
major = 0
@text = @text\gsub "({.-})", ( tagBlock ) ->
major += 1
return callback @, tagBlock, major,
-- Runs the provided callback on the first override tag block in the
-- line, provided that override tag occurs before any other text in
-- the line.
runCallbackOnFirstOverride: ( callback ) =>
@text = @text\gsub "^({.-})", ( tagBlock ) ->
return callback @, tagBlock
-- Runs the provided callback on all overrides that aren't the first
-- one.
runCallbackOnOtherOverrides: ( callback ) =>
@text = @text\sub( 1, 1 ) .. @text\sub( 2, -1 )\gsub "({.-})", ( tagBlock ) ->
return callback @, tagBlock
getPropertiesFromStyle: ( styleRef = @styleRef ) =>
@properties = { }
for tag in *tags.styleTags
switch tag.type
when "alpha"
@properties[tag] = tag\convert styleRef[]\sub( 3, 4 )
when "color"
@properties[tag] = tag\convert styleRef[]\sub( 5, 10 )
@properties[tag] = tag\convert styleRef[]
-- Because duplicate tags may exist within transforms, it becomes
-- useful to remove transforms from a line before doing various
-- processing.
tokenizeTransforms: =>
unless @transformsAreTokenized
@transforms = { }
count = 0
tagIndex = 0
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
tagIndex += 1
return tagBlock\gsub tags.allTags.transform.pattern, ( transform ) ->
count += 1
token = @.tPlaceholder count
transform = Transform\fromString transform, @duration, tagIndex, @
transform.token = token
@transforms[count] = transform
-- create a token for the transforms
return token
@transformsAreTokenized = true
loopOverTokenizedTransforms: ( callback ) =>
if @transformsAreTokenized
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
return tagBlock\gsub @tTokenPattern, ( placeholder, index ) ->
return callback @transforms[tonumber index], placeholder
detokenizeTransformsCopy: ( shift = 0 ) =>
if @transformsAreTokenized
return @text\gsub "({.-})", ( tagBlock ) ->
return tagBlock\gsub @tTokenPattern, ( placeholder, index ) ->
transform = @transforms[tonumber index]
transform.startTime -= shift
transform.endTime -= shift
result = transform\toString!
transform.startTime += shift
transform.endTime += shift
return result
detokenizeTransforms: ( shift = 0 ) =>
@loopOverTokenizedTransforms ( transform, placeholder ) ->
transform.startTime -= shift
transform.endTime -= shift
result = transform\toString!
transform.startTime += shift
transform.endTime += shift
return result
@transformsAreTokenized = false
-- detokenize using transform.rawString
dontTouchTransforms: =>
@loopOverTokenizedTransforms ( transform, placeholder ) ->
return "\\t" .. transform.rawString
@transformsAreTokenized = false
interpolateTransformsCopy: ( shift = 0, start = @start_time ) =>
newText = @text
@loopOverTokenizedTransforms ( transform, placeholder ) ->
transform.startTime -= shift
transform.endTime -= shift
frame = frameFromMs start
newText = transform\interpolate @, newText, placeholder, math.floor( 0.5*( msFromFrame( frame ) + msFromFrame( frame + 1 ) ) ) - start
transform.startTime += shift
transform.endTime += shift
return nil
return newText
interpolateTransforms: ( shift = 0, start = @start_time ) =>
newText = @text
@loopOverTokenizedTransforms ( transform, placeholder ) ->
transform.startTime -= shift
transform.endTime -= shift
frame = frameFromMs start
newText = transform\interpolate @, newText, placeholder, math.floor( 0.5*( msFromFrame( frame ) + msFromFrame( frame + 1 ) ) ) - start
transform.startTime += shift
transform.endTime += shift
return nil
@text = newText
@transformsAreTokenized = false
shiftKaraoke: ( shift = @karaokeShift ) =>
karaokeTag = tags.allTags.karaoke
@runCallbackOnOverrides ( tagBlock ) =>
return tagBlock\gsub karaokeTag.pattern, ( ... ) ->
time = karaokeTag\convert ...
if shift > 0
oldShift = -shift
newTime = time - shift
shift -= time
if newTime > 0
if karaokeTag.tag == "\\kf"
return karaokeTag\format( oldShift ) .. karaokeTag\format time
return karaokeTag\format newTime
return ""
return nil
combineWithLine: ( line ) =>
if @text == line.text and @style == and (@start_time == line.end_time or @end_time == line.start_time)
@start_time = math.min @start_time, line.start_time
@end_time = math.max @end_time, line.end_time
return true
return false
delete: ( sub = @parentCollection.sub ) =>
unless sub
log.windowError "Sub doesn't exist, so I can't delete things. This isn't gonna work."
unless @hasBeenDeleted
sub.delete @number
@hasBeenDeleted = true
getDefaultPosition: ( styleRef = @styleRef ) =>
verticalMargin = if @margin_t == 0 then styleRef.margin_t else @margin_t
leftMargin = if @margin_l == 0 then styleRef.margin_l else @margin_l
rightMargin = if @margin_r == 0 then styleRef.margin_r else @margin_r
align = @align or styleRef.align
return @defaultXPosition[align%3+1]( @parentCollection.meta.PlayResX, leftMargin, rightMargin ), @defaultYPosition[math.ceil align/3]( @parentCollection.meta.PlayResY, verticalMargin )
setExtraData: ( field, data ) =>
if "table" != type @extra
@extra = {}
switch type data
when "table"
@extra[field] = json.encode data
when "string"
@extra[field] = data
@extra[field] = tostring data
getExtraData: ( field ) =>
if "table" != type @extra
return nil
value = @extra[field]
success, res = pcall json.decode, value
-- Should probably add something for luabins here but it is
-- extremely stupid and dumb so I really don't want to.
if success
return res
return value
if haveDepCtrl
return version\register Line
return Line