2019-05-02 02:54:34 +02:00

109 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# List available updates from the Arch User Repository (AUR)
# Copyright 2018 Johannes Lange
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import requests
import subprocess as sp
block_button = os.environ['BLOCK_BUTTON'] if 'BLOCK_BUTTON' in os.environ else None
block_button = int(block_button) if block_button else None
class Args(object):
def add_argument(self, name, default='', arg_type=str):
val = default
if name in os.environ:
val = os.environ[name]
if arg_type == list:
val = val.split()
val = arg_type(val)
setattr(self, name.lower(), val)
return val
args = Args()
args.add_argument('UPDATE_COLOR', 'yellow')
args.add_argument('QUIET', False, bool)
args.add_argument('IGNORE', [], list)
def version_in_aur(pkg):
p = {'v': '5', 'type': 'search', 'by': 'name', 'arg': pkg}
response = requests.get('', params=p)
response = response.json()
for r in response['results']:
if r['Name'] == pkg:
return r['Version']
return "NotFound"
def vcs_version(pkg, ver):
""" Try to find a sensble version for VSC packages
If pkg looks like a VCS package according to
try to extract a sensible (= comparable) version number.
suffices = ['-cvs', '-svn', '-hg', '-darcs', '-bzr', '-git']
if not any(pkg.endswith(suffix) for suffix in suffices):
# does not look like a VCS package
return ver
if '.r' in ver:
# of the form RELEASE.rREVISION: only use the release
return ver.split('.r')[0]
# no base release to compare, just return None
return None
# get list of foreign packages -- assumed to be from the AUR
packages = sp.check_output(['pacman', '-Qm']).decode('utf8')
installed_version = {}
for pkg in packages.split('\n'):
if not pkg:
pkg, ver = pkg.split()
installed_version[pkg] = ver
updates = []
for pkg in installed_version.keys():
if pkg in args.ignore:
v_aur = version_in_aur(pkg)
v_inst = installed_version[pkg]
if vcs_version(pkg, v_aur) != vcs_version(pkg, v_inst):
updates.append(pkg + ' (%s -> %s)' % (v_inst, v_aur))
n_updates = len(updates)
if n_updates > 0:
msg = "<span color='{0}'>{1} AUR updates</span>"
print(msg.format(args.update_color, n_updates))
elif not args.quiet:
print('AUR up to date')
if block_button in [2, 3]:['notify-send', 'AUR updates', '\n'.join(updates)])
if not 'BLOCK_NAME' in os.environ and n_updates > 0:
# not called by i3blocks: show the complete list