- Add header information, including version (with v1.0 as the current starting point)
- Remove `ext-in` as an argument. It now automatically only runs on mkv, m2ts, or files with a `video` mimetype.
- Improve filename grabbing
- Update information on given clip: now includes filename, dimensions, framerate, format, and mimetype (if known)
- Properly make it only look for m2ts *files*
- Sort arguments for consistency purposes
- --check_exists is now False by default, as it is not expected that the user will be running this over a directory that it was run in before
This commit is contained in:
LightArrowsEXE 2020-05-05 06:14:30 +02:00
parent bb3318e4e0
commit 4c1cdb61f5

View file

@ -7,21 +7,29 @@
* VapourSynth
* wwxd (https://github.com/dubhater/vapoursynth-wwxd)
import vapoursynth as vs
import glob
import argparse
import glob
import mimetypes
import os
from ast import literal_eval
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core
__author__ = "LightArrowsEXE"
__license__ = 'MIT'
__version__ = '1.0'
# Slightly modified from kagefunc to remove some dependencies
def generate_keyframes(clip: vs.VideoNode, out_path=None, no_header=False) -> None:
probably only useful for fansubbing
generates qp-filename for keyframes to simplify timing
clip = core.resize.Bilinear(clip, 640, 360, format=vs.YUV420P8) # speed up the analysis by resizing first
clip = core.wwxd.WWXD(clip)
clip = core.resize.Bilinear(clip, 640, 360, format=vs.YUV420P8)
clip = core.wwxd.WWXD(clip) # speed up the analysis by resizing first
out_txt = '' if no_header else "# WWXD log file, using qpfile format\n# Please do not modify this file\n\n"
@ -42,22 +50,22 @@ def main():
if args.file:
files = [args.file]
ext_in = os.path.splitext(files[0])[1]
files = glob.glob('**/*', recursive=True) if args.recursive else glob.glob('*')
ext_in = args.extension if args.extension else "mkv"
for f in files:
if f.endswith(ext_in):
mime = mimetypes.types_map.get(os.path.splitext(f)[-1], "")
# Not entirely sure why mkv's fail, as they have a mimetype of "video/x-matroska"
if mime.startswith("video/") or f.endswith('.m2ts') or f.endswith('.mkv'):
if args.check_exists:
if os.path.exists(f"{f[:-len(ext_in)]}_keyframes.txt"):
if os.path.exists(f"{os.path.splitext(f)[0]}_keyframes.txt"):
print(f"\nKeyframes already exist for {f}. Skipping.")
print(f"\nGenerating keyframes for {f}:")
src = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(f) if f.endswith("m2ts") else core.ffms2.Source(f)
src = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(f) if f.endswith(".m2ts") else core.ffms2.Source(f)
print(f"Video info: {src.width}x{src.height}, {src.fps} fps, {src.format.name}")
mime = mimetypes.types_map.get(os.path.splitext(f)[-1]) or "Unknown"
print(f"\nVideo info\nFilename: {f}\nDimensions: {src.width}x{src.height}\nFramerate: {src.fps}\nFormat: {src.format.name}\nMimetype: {mime}\n")
if args.trims:
trims = literal_eval(args.trims)
@ -72,15 +80,15 @@ def main():
if args.outfile and args.file:
generate_keyframes(src, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f),args.outfile), args.noheader)
generate_keyframes(src, os.path.abspath(f"{f[:-len(ext_in)]}_keyframes.txt"), args.noheader)
generate_keyframes(src, os.path.abspath(f"{os.path.splitext(f)[0]}_keyframes.txt"), args.noheader)
print(f"Progress: {src.num_frames}/{src.num_frames} frames")
os.remove(f"{f}.lwi") if f.endswith("m2ts") else os.remove(f"{f}.ffindex")
os.remove(f"{f}.lwi") if f.endswith(".m2ts") else os.remove(f"{f}.ffindex")
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Output: {args.outfile}") if args.outfile and args.file else print(f"Output: {f[:-len(ext_in)]}_keyframes.txt")
print(f"Output: {args.outfile}") if args.outfile and args.file else print(f"Output: {os.path.splitext(f)[0]}_keyframes.txt")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -89,29 +97,21 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
help="generate keyframes for a specific file",
parser.add_argument("-R", "--recursive",
help="search files recursively",
parser.add_argument("-E", "--extension",
help="pick extension to generate keyframes for (default: %(default)s)",
# TO-DO: Add mimetype recognition, add drag-and-drop functionality
# -E only exists so it automatically looks for a common video file type.
# If I can have it recognize video using mimetypes instead, there is no real need for this.
action="store_true", default=False,
help="search files recursively (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-N", "--noheader",
help="do not include header line for aegisub",
action="store_true", default=False,
help="do not include header line for aegisub (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-O", "--outfile",
help="name for keyframes file output (Note: requires --file (-F) to be set)", action="store")
action="store", default=None,
help="name for keyframes file output (Note: requires --file (-F) to be set)")
parser.add_argument("-T", "--trims",
help="string of trims to source file. " \
"format: \"[inclusive,exclusive],[inclusive,exclusive],[None,exclusive],[inclusive,None]\"",
"format: \"[inclusive,exclusive],[inclusive,exclusive],[None,exclusive],[inclusive,None]\"")
parser.add_argument("-C", "--check_exists",
help="Check if keyframe file already exists (default: %(default)s)",
action="store_true", default=False,
help="Check if keyframe file already exists (default: %(default)s)")
# TO-DO: Add a SCXvid mode for those where the WWXD format
# doesn't appear to work properly.
args = parser.parse_args()