add karaoke-adjust-1sec with mugenizer

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odrling 2019-08-03 20:42:33 +02:00
parent 0cd3b823d7
commit bf09c18f0c
2 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -23,3 +23,14 @@ becomes
shimese {\c&H003D45FF&\3c&H00020261&\4c&H00020261&}atsuki yume no {\c&H002092FD&\3c&H00003364&\4c&H00003364&}makuake wo
Karaoke 1sec adjust lead-in
Adds a `{\k100}` at the beginning of your line so your line appears 1s earlier (and people will be able to sing).
Select all the lines of your karaoke, launch the Mugenizer and it will remove our lead-ins and add mugen's karaoke script.
Then in "Automation" you can run "Apply karaoke template" and you're ready to submit your karaoke to Mugen.

karaoke-adjust-1sec.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
local tr = aegisub.gettext
script_name = tr"Karaoke 1sec adjust lead-in"
script_description = tr"Adjust karaoke leadin to 1sec"
script_author = "Flore"
script_version = "1.00"
leadinmsec = 1000 --lead in time can be changed here
ktag = "\\[kK][fo]?%d+" --pattern used to detect karaoke tags
function hasleadin(line)--check if there is an existing lead in (2 consecutive bracket with karaoke tags at the start of the line)
return line.text:find("^{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. "[^{}]-}%s*{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. "[^{}]-}")
function removeleadin(line)
if not hasleadin(line) then
return line
leadin = tonumber( line.text:match("^{[^{}]-\\[kK][fo]?(%d+)[^{}]-}%s*{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. "[^{}]-}") ) --read lead-in value
line.text = line.text:gsub("^({[^{}]-)\\[kK][fo]?%d+(.-}%s*{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. ".-})","%1%2") --remove lead in
line.text = cleantags(line.text) --clean tags
line.start_time = line.start_time + leadin*10 --adjust start time
return line
function adjust_1sec(subs, sel)
for _, i in ipairs(sel) do
local line = subs[i]
line.text = cleantags(line.text)
if( line.text:find(ktag)) then--don't do anything if there is no ktags in this line
--start by removing existing lead-in
while hasleadin(line) do
if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then return end
line = removeleadin(line)
--then add our lead in
if line.start_time >= leadinmsec then
line.text = string.format("{\\k%d}%s",leadinmsec/10, line.text)
line.start_time = line.start_time - leadinmsec
else --if line starts too early to put the needed lead in, make the line start at time 0 and fill with appropriate lead in
line.text = string.format("{\\k%d}%s",line.start_time/10, line.text)
line.start_time = 0
subs[i] = line
aegisub.set_undo_point(tr"1sec adjust lead-in")
function mugenizer(subs, sel)
local first = true
local line
for _, i in ipairs(sel) do
-- add mugen's magic line
if first then
line = subs[i]
line.comment = true
line.start_time = 0
line.end_time = 0
line.effect = "template pre-line all keeptags"
line.text = '!retime("line",$start < 900 and -$start or -900,200)!{!$start < 900 and "\\\\k" .. ($start/10) or "\\\\k90"!\\fad(!$start < 900 and $start or 300!,200)}'
subs.insert(i, line)
line.text = cleantags(line.text)
first = false
line = subs[i]
if (line.text:find(ktag)) then--don't do anything if there is no ktags in this line
while hasleadin(line) do
if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then return end
line = removeleadin(line)
subs[i] = line
aegisub.register_macro(script_name, script_description, adjust_1sec)
aegisub.register_macro(tr"Mugenizer", tr"Mugenize your subs", mugenizer)